Custom CSS

With the Custom CSS Tool, Site Admins are able to write their own CSS to modify aspects of any template.

This tool is located within Appearance > Custom CSS.

For security purposes, all CSS is sanitized before being allowed onto the site. Once you hit update, you will notice that the formatting may change. That is the sanitizer CSSTidy at work.

You can revert to the previous version of your custom CSS by clicking the Revert to previous version link that appears underneath the editor.

Allowed CSS

The following CSS selectors, values, and properties will work in the Custom CSS plugin.

Default CSS

Additional CSS

:before :after area article audio section aside base bdi body canvas command datalist details dialog embed footer figure figcaption head header hgroup html keygen link main map mark meta meter nav output progress rp rt ruby source style summary time title track video wbr
align-content align-items align-self background-clip background-origin bottom border-radius border-image box-shadow box-sizing color content display filter flex-grow flex flex-direction flex-flow font-size-adjust font-stretch justify-content left min-height min-width opacity order overflow overflow-x overflow-y position right tab-size text-align-last text-justify text-overflow text-shadow top visibility word-break word-wrap z-index
src rgba() !important

If your site needs to use CSS properties not listed here, look into custom theming.