Setting Up 2FA on a Device
Faculty, staff, and students enrolling in the two-factor authentication (2FA) service can choose to designate different devices as a second factor. A second factor is a device that you own that will be linked to your NetID. This article explains available options for the 2FA service.
Two-factor authentication enhances the security of your data by using two types of authentication – your NetID credentials and a second factor of your choice, such as a mobile phone, landline, tablet, or physical token. When you log in with your NetID credentials on an online service that requires 2FA, you will receive a request for authentication on a second device. When you respond to the authentication prompt, you verify your identity and intent to access the service.
These directions are for adding your first 2FA device. If you already have added a device to the service, please see the directions for adding a backup device.
Setting Up 2FA by Device Type
To set up 2FA on your device, view the guides below.
Repeat these instructions to add more devices: