Add a Backup 2FA Device

Add a Backup 2FA Device

You can add more than one device to the two-factor authentication (2FA) service. Adding another secondary device can be useful as a backup if you forget or misplace the other second-factor device.

If there is ever a device listed in your device management portal that you do not recognize, delete it immediately by selecting Edit>Delete.

  1. Navigate to the uconn.login.duosecurity.com/devices.

  2. Enter your UConn email address and NetID password, followed by duo authentication to log in to the Device Management portal.

    Duo SSO Login
    Duo SSO login
  3. On the device management page, select Add a device.

    Duo Device Management Portal
  4. Select the option for the device you’re adding and follow the instructions to add a device.

  5. Once you have successfully added your second device, you will see it listed in the device management page.

While you are here, take a moment to note all of the devices registered in your Duo account.

Rename any devices by selecting Edit>Rename. Rename it to something you will remember, like “Jonathan’s iPhone” or “Jane’s Personal MacBook”.

If there are any old devices you no longer use, or devices you do not recognize, delete them.

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