Install Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app that is available to faculty, staff, and students at UConn with an Office 365 account. These instructions describe three ways that you can install Teams on your devices.

For ITS managed workstations, Teams can be installed from the Software Center App (Windows) or Self Service (Macs). Non-ITS managed devices should install Teams from Office 365 or Microsoft’s website.

From the Software Center App (Windows)

  1. Navigate to the Start Menu and search for Software Center.

  2. Locate Microsoft Teams, click on it, and press Install.

From the Self Service App (MacOS)

  1. Open spotlight search or press cmd+space and search for “Self Service”.

  2. Log in with your NetID and NetID password.

  3. Look for “Microsoft Teams” and click Install.

From Teams Browser App

  1. Open Teams in your browser.

  2. Towards the left bottom of the toolbar, click on Get App.

  3. This starts the download of the client file for Team. Once downloaded, install the file and sign in with your credentials.

From Microsoft’s Website

  1. Go to

  2. Select Download for desktop.

    download microsoft teams
  3. Select Download Teams.

    download teams


  4. An installer will download. Run the downloaded installer and sign in with your UConn email and NetID password.