Changing Your UConn Email Address

Changing Your UConn Email Address

When student, faculty, and staff join the university, they are assigned an official (published) email address that follows the format of netid@uconn.edu. They are also given an alias based on their legal name (firstname.lastname@uconn.edu). They may change their default published email address, NetID@uconn.edu, to the alias assigned to them. 

Members of UConn have two email addresses: a published address and an alias (or “alternate”) address. Your published address and alias work together. If someone emails either a published address or an alias, the email will arrive in the same inbox. The published address is the address that is used to sign into university services.

We do not recommend changing your Published email address. Instead, we recommend that you use the alias if you wish to have an alternate email address, and update how your name is displayed with the Chosen Name tool.

In order to mitigate the issues arising from changing your published name, it is recommended that you make this change immediately after joining the university. Changing the published email address will cause issues with online systems, such as Microsoft 365 and Webex, that use your email address as an identifier and for login. When you log in to Microsoft 365 with your new published email address, it may create a new profile for you and cause access issues, including but not limited to breaking all shared files.

How to change your Published Email Address

You must be on campus, or using the VPN, in order to access this website.

  1. Log into https://pername.uconn.edu/ with your NetID and NetID password.

  2. In the top toolbar, click on My Address and then Select Published Name.

    1. You will also see “Change Display Name”. To learn more about this name, visit Changing Your Chosen Name
      Your Display Name is what is displayed in our email systems and most directories, like phonebook.uconn.edu.

  3. Towards the bottom of the page, in the Published Personal Name section, choose the address you would like to be used as your Published Personal Name.

  4. Click the Update Published Personal Name button.

Changes may take up to an hour for the new username to work. Changing the Published email address will update your email address in most university systems via overnight processes.

Information about Email Addresses

Published Email Address: All email accounts will be initially set up with the default primary alias in the format of netid@uconn.edu. This alias will be used for both sending and receiving emails.

Alias (Alternate) Email Address: All email accounts will be set up with firstname.lastname@uconn.edu as well. Any messages sent to the alias or the published address are delivered to the same inbox.

Changes Due to Life Events: In cases of life events that result in a name change (such as marriage, divorce, or personal reasons), please send an email to techsupport@uconn.edu

Handling of Unique Characters: The university will accommodate unique characters in email aliases, such as apostrophes, hyphens, accents, or other diacritics, to respect the diversity of names within our community. ITS will work with users to resolve any technical issues arising from these characters.

Review and Update Policy: These standards will be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in technology, legal requirements, and university policies. Users will be notified of any significant changes.

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