Reporting Spam and Phishing Messages

Faculty, staff, and students should follow these steps if they receive a spam or phishing message.

  1. Use the Report button to flag the message as spam or phishing:

Screenshot of the Report message drop-down

  1. If you did not click on any of the links from the email, no further action is required. However, if you did click on any links from a phishing message or suspect that your account was otherwise compromised in any way,

    1. Change your NetID password immediately.

    2. Contact the ITS Tech Support Center at (860) 486-4357,, or via the online chat at

Outlook Client / Office 365 Web Access accounts

If you received the message in Microsoft Outlook, you can use the Report Message add-In. 

This add-in must first be downloaded for your Outlook email account and will appear in both the Outlook Client and Office 365 Web Access once it has been downloaded.

Report Message Add-in Options

When you are using the Report Message add-in options,

  • Reporting a message as Junk will add the sender to your Blocked Senders List and move the email to your Junk Folder. You will receive the option to report the message to Microsoft.

  • Reporting a message as Phishing will move the item to your Junk Folder and report the item to Microsoft for analysis.

  • Reporting a message as Not Junk will add the sender to your Allowed Senders List, and the email will be moved to your Inbox. You will receive the option to report the message to Microsoft. 

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