UConn Email Address

The University provides faculty, staff, students, and some affiliates with an official UConn email address.

When do I get my email address?

  • Email accounts for faculty and staff are created the morning after the NetID has been created.

  • Email accounts for affiliates, if requested by the sponsor, are also created the morning after the NetID has been created.

  • Email accounts for graduate students are created the morning after their Student Administration System record indicates they've been admitted.  For graduate students, a NetID and an email account are created on the same day.

  • Email accounts for undergraduate students accepted for the fall semester are created mid-May. Undergraduate students accepted for the spring semester are created mid-December.

Address Format

Starting in January 2024, the format for all new addresses will be NetID@uconn.edu (e.g., abc12345@uconn.edu).

You may request an email alias by sending submitting a ticket to techsupport@uconn.edu.

Why did ITS change the email format from name-based to NetID-based?
ITS has historically used a firstname.lastname@uconn.edu format when we issue an official UConn email address. We made this change because contemporary systems, such as Microsoft 365, increasingly use email addresses for identification and login. Changes to email addresses and therefore the username cause downstream issues. You may lose access to previous account data and break shared files.

To avoid these issues and potential data loss, university email addresses should be as unique and immutable as practical. NetIDs already meet these criteria, whereas names may change. Our intention was to drastically reduce the number of updated emails addresses by moving to this format. 

Even with the new email format, you will predominately see display names on both incoming and outgoing mail. You will also be able to search for email addresses by name. You can update your display name at any time with the Chosen Name tool on netid.uconn.edu.

Chosen Name Example.jpg
The names shown in the example above (both recipient and sender) are set in the Chosen Name tool on netid.uconn.edu.