DV Uploads - formatting issues

How to convert an Excel Disbursement Voucher Document to a .csv format.

  1. Edit the Excel spreadsheet, using Excel..
  2. Change Campus code(column D) to a text field with the value of 01. (format cells+text).  I then hardcode a ’01 in the field.   
  3. Change Due Date(column F) to a format of 99/99/99. (format cells+Date+03/14/01)
  4. Change Check Total (column G) to a format of 9999.99. (format cells+Number+1234.10)
  5. Change Invoice Date (column L) to a format of 99/99/99. (format cells+Date+03/14/01)
  6. Change Line Amount (column T) to a format of 9999.99. (format cells+Number+1234.10)
  7. Notes, Discount Amount, and Discount Type (columns U,V,W) must exist.  Hardcode a single quote in each column.
  8. Save file as a .csv (comma delimited) format (Save As+Other Formats+CSV (Comma Delimited)).
  9. To verify that the file looks like it should, open file with WordPad.  You will see strings of data, separated by columns.  The fourth column will have 01 as the data.  The last three columns will have three commas, unless the file is Dining Services.  Dining services may have data in the last two columns, since these are the discount fields.