How to Edit Test Questions

This article is for professors seeking to modify the settings of specific questions, including delegating point systems. These instructions are intended for instructors who have already deployed a set of questions or instructors who are creating test questions from scratch in course content. For more information on deploying assessments, see How to Deploy a Test and How to Create a Test Question

For Ultra Course View, refer to:

  1. Use the Course Menu on the left of your course to access the page on which you have deployed the assessment or the test on which you wish to create the assessment. 

    Screenshot of HuskyCT site.
  2. Navigate to the drop-down menu next to the title of the assessment you would like to edit.

  3. Select Edit the Test. 

    Edit the test option in drop down.
  4. On the Test Canvas page, you can edit the points per question to the right of the question. Save and submit after every edit.

  5. Access the drop-down menu next to the question you intend to customize. You will then be directed to the Test Question Canvas. Click Edit.

  6. From the Test Question Canvas, delegate points and customize partial credit as needed. 
    Note: All points in assessments are cumulative. Partial credit can be delegated per question - however, Automatic summation of questions points is limited.

  7.  Scroll to Partial Credit to delegate partial credit for multiple-choice questions.

    1. Check Partial Credit. Boxes for percentage partial credit should appear next to each multiple-choice option.

    2. Once you have delegated partial credit, submit the settings at the bottom of the page to save the changes made. 

Note: Delegating partial credit for multiple-choice answers gives credit to students for participating in the question but not answering correctly. The answer marked as "correct" will automatically come through as full credit.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052.

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