JAMF Connect - "Make Me Admin"

The JAMF Connect, “Make Me Admin” elevation is a script that can be executed, at any time, from “JAMF Self-Service”, which can be found on any JAMF Connect enabled MAC.



When executed, this script enables a regular user to elevate their permissions to admin status for 30 minutes (subject to adjustment at any time by UCONN Security).

It also captures a log snapshot of their activities during this period for tracking purposes. Additionally, the script sets up a launch daemon to automatically demote the user after 30 minutes of uptime. This ensures that regardless of how many times they log out or shut down, their admin privileges will be revoked according to the schedule.

This script is made available, by default, to all units under the default “JAMF Connect – LAPTOP, DESKTOP” Prestage as an “on-going” task so it remains static within Self-Service to invoke when required.