View Student Reflections
To view the detailed data for a specific Reflect check-in, follow the steps below. For a big picture view that includes all your Reflect check-ins, view your Reflect data in Insights.
Return to the Reflect tab.
Select any check-in from the list.
You will see student responses distributed based on the emoji they selected. Select any emoji tab to see:
Which students selected that emoji
How they named their emotion
How they responded on recent previous reflections. Hover over any of their previous emojis to see how they defined it and the date.
Select any student's name, then select Start a conversation to send a message to the student right from Reflect.
Hover over any Feelings Monster to see the student's name and emotion details.
Select Hide student names to make together view safe to project as an empathy building tool.
Close to return to the responses.
Note: You do not need to wait until the check-in closes. As students respond, their reflections will be visible to you.