Creating a New Planner

This article is for students, faculty, and staff who wish to create a new planner in Planner. Planner is a task management feature compatible with Teams that allows a team site to create Plans containing the team's tasks.

Any member of a team can create a Planner for their team.

  1. Click the Teams icon in the left panel.

  2. Open the team you want the new Planner to be created in.

  3. Click the icon underneath the search bar.

    steps 1 through 3 of creating a planner
  4. Type planner into the search bar.

  5. Select the Planner icon.

    steps 4 through 5 of creating a planner
  6. Select Create a new plan and name the Planner. If you choose Use an existing plan from this team, you will not be creating a new Planner. Instead, you will be adding a tab that links to the existing Planner.

  7. Choose whether you would like to share the creation of the new Planner to the team channel.

  8. Press Save.

A link to this Planner will appear in the tab list at the top of the team page (under the search bar).

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