Hardware Tokens for the 2FA Service
Step 1: Learn about Hardware Tokens
If you install the free app, Duo Mobile, on your smartphone, you do not need a hardware token. If you do not wish to use your personal device, you may purchase a hardware token. These tokens do not need to be connected to a network and run on a battery that should last around 2 years.
The smartphone app is not necessary for 2FA at UConn; you can have Duo text or call you in order to accept a prompt.
These are known as “hardware tokens” and they do not plug into your computer. “Security keys” must be plugged into your computer. Learn more here: USB Security Keys for the 2FA Service
A press of the button generates your code.
Step 2: Where can I buy a token?
Tokens must be registered to UConn at the time of purchase. Therefore, they are bought directly from Duo through the Technology Support Center. Faculty and Staff can purchase them with funds from their department (KFS).
Visit the Technology Support Center on the 1st floor of Babbidge Library, or reach out at techsupport.uconn.edu, to learn more about tokens and to find out if they are right for you.
Token cost is $21.00
You may submit a request for a token using this form: https://techsupport.uconn.edu/duo-2fa-hardware-token-form/
Students may not purchase tokens for long-term use. They may loan them out for a 2-week period, during which they can transition to the Duo Mobile app, SMS, or a personally-bought security key that is compatible with Duo.
Step 3: Link Token to your account
Please contact the ITS Tech Support Center to register your hardware token.