Removing Subscribers from a Listserv

Removing Subscribers from a Listserv

Students, faculty, and staff can add and delete subscribers through, both, the Listserv site and by emailing Listserv. All methods of removing subscribers are listed below to accommodate personal preference. 

Only the owner of a list can add or remove subscribers.

Using the Listserv Website

  1. Go to listserv.uconn.edu and select Log In in the upper right.

  2. Enter your login information.

  3. Click on the List Management menu. 

  4. Click Subscriber Management.

  5. Choose a list to perform the operations on.

  6. Enter the email of the desired subscriber in the Examine or Delete Subscription search box.

  7. Click on the Search in (ListName) button.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Delete.

Emailing Listserv

  1. Using the same email address that you use to sign into Listserv, create a new email addressed to listserv@listserv.uconn.edu.

  2. Leave the subject blank.

  3. Enter this command in the body of the email: DEL listname net@address.

    • Example: DEL testlist-L jonathan.husky@uconn.edu

      Deleting subscriber by email.
  4. Wait for Listserv to send a confirmation email.

  5. Reply to the confirmation email with OK, or click the confirmation link sent by Listserv.

Removing Subscribers in Bulk

  1. Click on the List Management menu.

  2. Click on Subscriber Management.

  3. Choose a list.

  4. Click on the orange Bulk Operations tab.

  5. Select the appropriate Remove option.

  6. Attach a file containing the email addresses you wish to remove.
    Note: The file must be in a .txt (text file) format.

    1. Click Browse

  7. Click Import.

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