Subscribing and Unsubscribing from a UConn Listserv

Subscribing and Unsubscribing from a UConn Listserv

Anyone with a UConn email address can add or remove themselves from UConn Listserv mailing lists that allow self-service.

Create a Listserv Account

Before anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe from a UConn Listserv, they must first create an account.

  1. Navigate to listserv.uconn.edu.

  2. Select Log In at the upper right-hand corner of the page.

  3. Select Get a New LISTSERV Password.

  4. Enter your UConn email address and create a password.

  5. Check your UConn email and follow the provided link to verify your account.

Subscribe to a UConn Listserv

  1. Navigate to listserv.uconn.edu and log in.

  2. Find the Listserv you would like to subscribe to. Click on it.

  3. Click the Subscribe or Unsubscribe option.

  4. Click Subscribe.

To subscribe to an Open subscription list, UConn or non-UConn users do not have to create a password with Listserv to just subscribe to a list.

Instead, from their Outlook mailbox they can send an email to listserv@listserv.uconn.edu with the following in the body of the email:

Subscribe NameOfList NameOfUser

Example: Subscribe TestList-L Tim Garcia

In the above example, TestList-L is the name of the list that the user Tim Garcia would like to Subscribe to.

Please note that the Subject should be empty.

If the setting on the list for subscription is Open, Confirm, the email address that the subscriber sent the email from, will receive a response from Listserv to confirm that the email address is valid. The subscriber can click through, and this will add the user as a subscriber to the list.


Unsubscribe from a UConn Listserv

Some Listserv subscriptions are mandatory; even if you unsubscribe, you may find yourself subscribed again within the next few days.

  1. Navigate to listserv.uconn.edu.

  2. Log in with your Listserv account.

  3. Click Subscriber’s Corner on the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

  4. Find the Listserv you wish to unsubscribe from and select the checkbox. Then select Unsubscribe in the drop-down menu.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. The page will refresh, and you will be able to see that the Listserv is no longer listed.

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