Disbursement Voucher - Non-Resident Alien Tax Tab

  1. Create a Disbursement Voucher Document

a.  In the Payment Information Tab, select the Payee search button. Enter a payment reason code (usually C or M) and a foreign payee (vendor#).  Return Value.

b.  Fill in Check amount, Invoice number, and invoice date.

c.  Add an accounting line for the check amount.

d.  Press Submit. 

2. Login as the Fiscal Officer

a.  Find the document in the action list.

b.  Go to the Ad Hoc Recipient Tab

c.  Add the Tax Manager’s netid as the person, press add button.

d.  Press send ad hoc request button.

e.  Press approve button. 

3. Login as the Tax Manager

a.  Go to the Nonresident Alien Tax Tab

b.  Fill in Income Class Code, Federal Tax Percent, State Tax Percent and Country Code (as appropriate).

c.  Check Foreign Source or Treaty Exempt, if appropriate.

d.  When the Federal Tax Percent or State Tax percent is greater than zero, press generate lines button.  Verify that an accounting line was generated.

e.  Press approve button.

4. Login as the Disbursement Voucher Manager

a.  Press approve button.

5. Login as the Disbursement Method Reviewer

a.  Press approve button.

6. Perform a DocSearch on the DVs and note the document went to final.

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