BottomLine Known Issues & Resolutions
Problems with File Transfers to the Anakin Server
8/23/12 - Periodically the file transfer batch job on Control-M will fail because it cannot contact the server to transfer the file. The job name is PRD-KFS-ACHPayments-AFT and PRD-KFS-CheckPayments-AFT.
When this occurs do the following:
Connect to Remote Desktop to Start --> Run --> services.msc Click OK Find the FreeSSHDService Right click it and then click Restart Contact Scheduling at 860-486-1446 and have them rerun the transfer job The files will be transferred to Anakin to the c:\cseries\hub\datafiles\CSXMLSF\load\ directory They will be processed immediately and placed into the c:\cseries\hub\datafiles\CSXMLSF\load\done if the file is good. It will be in the bad directory if the file is no good.
Problems with File Transfers to Bank of America
Manually sending files to Bank of America (batch process normally does this)
Daylight Savings Time Issue
11/15/12 - Bottomline was rejecting the Kuali files after Daylight Savings Time was changed. The workaround was to manually edit the file to add a day.
12/14/2015 - Files Processed but Checks not showing up in the Check Service --> Print
- Shutdown the 3 Bottomline windows services by going to Start --> Run --> services.msc
- Right click on the following and wait for them to finish shutting down.
- Bottomline Bacs REST Service
- Bottomline Event Manager
- Bottomline JBoss Application Server
- Once they have all shutdown right click on each of them to start them.
- Wait about 10 minutes and attempt to login to the client portal. Checks should be visible now.
12/14/2015 - Checks or ACH have processed but there are no extract files under:
- ACH - C:\CSeries\hub\datafiles\Extract\ACH
- CFA (pospay) - C:\CSeries\hub\datafiles\Extract\PosPay\BOA
- First verify that the files haven't already been sent and archived to the bank by looking in C:\boa_transmit
- If there are files there with today's date then they would have likely already gone to BOA.
- If there are files not present, open the HUB Event Monitor and connect to the Anakin server (default password)
- If you are missing the CFA file, right click on "B of A Positive Pay Extract" and then click Execute. The file should appear in the extract folder above
- This file will automatically send to BOA and archive at 12:05pm and 3:05pm. If you want to send immediately you can run the scheduled task.
- If you are missing the ACH file, right click on "ACH Extract (NACHA) Cut 1" and then click Execute. The file should appear in the extract folder above.
- This file will automatically send to BOA and archive at 4:35pm. Do not send this immediately unless you know the ACH was approved by Management (Schedule A).