Disbursement Voucher .csv File Format
Disbursement Voucher .csv file format.
The .csv file should not have any heading lines, these are only to indicate the column and type of data entered in that column.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X |
unit | ContactPersonName | ContactPhoneNumber | campusCode | disbVchrContactEmailId | DueDate | CheckTotalAmount | CheckStubText | Bank | description | invoiceNumber | invoiceDate | usage | ReasonCode | PayeeIdNumber | PayeeTypeCode | chartCode | AccountNumber | ObjectCode | amount | noteText | amount | type or % | amount |
01 | 15 | PO | UC |
Column | KFS Fieldname | Type, Length , format | Max Length | Description |
A | Unit(disbursement voucher batch defaults | Varchar2(4) | 4 | An entry must be in the Disbursement Voucher Batch Default Table |
B | disVchrContactPersonName | Varchar2(40) | 123 | Person responsible for file |
C | disVchrContactPhoneNumber | 999-999-9999 | 20 | Phone number of Person responsible for file |
D | campusCode | 2 | Constant - 01 | |
E | disVchrContactEmailId | 50 | Email address of Person responsible for file | |
F | disbursementVoucherDueDate | mm/dd/yyyy | 10 | Due Date of Invoice |
G | disbVchrCheckTotalAmount | Money format including the decimal point, no commas - example 1114.00 | 19 | Amount to be printed on the check – total of line amounts for the payee id and invoice |
H | disbVchrCheckStubText | 1400 | Not used - Spaces | |
I | disVchrBankCode | 2 | Constant - 15 | |
J | description | 255 | PO Number/Voucher Number | |
K | invoiceNumber | 20 | Invoice Number - must be unique for each vendor | |
L | invoiceDate | mm/dd/yyyy | 10 | Date of Invoice |
M | usage | 15 | Spaces, unless a Utility Invoice | |
N | disbVchrPaymentReasonCode | 1 | Disbursement Voucher Payment Reason - 1 character | |
O | disbVchrPayeeIdNumber | 21 | KFS Vendor Number | |
P | disbVchrPayeeTypeCode | 2 | Constant - V | |
Q | chartOfAccountsCode | 2 | Constant - UC | |
R | accountNumber | Varchar2(7) | 7 | KFS Account |
S | financialObjectCode | Varchar2(4) | 4 | KFS Object code |
T | amount | Money format including the decimal point, no commas - example 1114.00 | 19 | Amount of line item – if a single line item this will equal the check amount |
U | noteText | 800 | Any description or notes to stay with the e-Doc | |
V | Discount Amount | 19 | Spaces - except for Dining Services (value of discount) | |
W | Discount Type | 1 | Spaces - except for Dining Services (constant - %) | |
X | FinancialDocumentLineDescription | 40 | Any description to describe the charge |
Contact Person, Phone Number, and Email address can be department information rather than a specific person. Any reports will be distributed to the Contact person via the email address found in the first record of the file.
The check total amount is the amount that the check will be written for. It is the total of all line amounts for the payee id/Invoice number. It must include a decimal point, but no commas.
For example, vendor 12345-0, invoice number 123456789, can have three line amounts against it ($50.00, $25.00, and $25.00). $100.00 appears in the check Total amount column. A check will be written in the amount of $100.00 to vendor 12345-0. The $100.00 appears in the check Total amount column.
Another example, vendor 54321-0 has one line amount so the line amount and the check total are the same value.
Check stub text is not a required field. It can be left blank.
Description is a brief text to help you identify the particular item or invoice. Voucher number can be put here. This is a required field.
Payee ID is the vendor number and is required. This is the Kuali vendor number.
Usage is not required, so leave it blank. This is only required for the Utilities payments (Facilities and ResLife).
Account and Object Code – Valid KFS accounts and object codes.
Note Text is not a required field. It is used for any notes you want to stay with the e-Doc.
Discount Amount – for Dining Services use, percent of discount
Discount Type – for Dining Services use, when used constant - %