Accessing UConn CyberArk as a Vendor

This article will describe the process for onboarding with UConn’s vendor remote access solution, CyberArk Alero.

Table of Contents:

Setting up your vendor account with CyberArk Alero to connect to UConn

Set up the CyberArk Mobile app on your phone

  1. Download the CyberArk Mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

    Note: Be careful, as there is a similarly named “CyberArk Identity” app in the app store as well. The icon pictured above denotes the correct app.

  2. Scan your fingerprint or faceID to enable biometric authentication for the app.

  3. When asked to select a datacenter, select US & Worldwide.

  4. Enter your phone number, including +1 country code, and tap Send Me Code.

  5. Enter the code that is texted to your phone.

  6. Enter your first and last name.

  7. Enter a 6-digit pin number of your choosing to save your settings.

  8. Tap Finish to confirm.
    You will be presented with a screen that confirms you have successfully registered with CyberArk Alero.
    You can close the app for now, or tap Scan QR Code to continue the process below if you have received your invitation email from us.

Register the CyberArk Mobile App with UConn

Once UConn ITS has created the appropriate accounts we will send an email invitation with a link to sign up. The email will come from

  1. Open the invitation email on a desktop or laptop computer.

  2. Click the Join UConn button.

  3. You will be presented with a QR code. Open the CyberArk Mobile App on your smartphone and hold the camera up to the computer screen to scan the code.

  4. A message will pop-up congratulating you for joining UConn.

Accessing and using CyberArk Alero

  1. Navigate to on your desktop/laptop web browser. You will be presented with a QR code.

  2. Open the CyberArk Mobile app on your phone and hold the camera up to your computer screen to scan the QR code.

  3. The browser will automatically forward you to the account screen in CyberArk. You will see an account listed there with a name similar to your company. Click the Connect button to connect to the remote machine.
    Note: If you are a vendor with access to multiple systems, a new window will appear where you can select which machine to connect to from the dropdown menu. The list is pre-populated with the machines you have access to.

Copying text and files to the remote machine

Transferring Text

Text can now be copied and pasted using the native Windows clipboard. When you first connect, you will have to allow your browser to access to the clipboard.

Clipboard Permissions

Alternatively, you can use the Clipboard Control by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift. A window will slide in from the right where you can enter text to transmit to the target’s clipboard.

Transferring Files

To transfer files to the target, simply drag a file from your machine onto the browser window. A dialogue box will appear in the bottom right corner displaying the status of your uploads. When the transfer is completed, the files will appear on the target machine in a network drive titled Z on CYBERARK-PSM-0.

My Computer Window

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