Windows 10/11 Updates with Software Center

Windows 10/11 Updates with Software Center

Software Center is a component of Microsoft’s Endpoint Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) which enables Information Technology Services (ITS) to deploy and update applications, security updates, and operating systems for computers in the Managed Workstation Service. 

Faculty and staff who have a computer in the Managed Workstation Service can install Windows 10/11 updates using Software Center. Software Center enables faculty and staff to manually sync policy for their workstations to prompt the workstation to check for new software, thereby shortening the deployment time.

Accessing Windows 10/11 Upgrades within Software Center

Windows 11 may not be available on your workstation at this time

  1. Open Software Center

    1. Search for “Software Center” in Windows Search

      Shows the Windows Search with software center in the serach bar and the Open option box
    2. Alternatively, Open the Start Menu, look for Microsoft Endpoint Manager, and click Software Center

      Shows the Windows 11 Start Menu with Microsoft Endpoint Manager Expanded and Software Center boxed
  2. On the left hand menu, click Operating Systems

  3. You will see a list of operating system upgrades that are available for the machine

    Shows University of Connecticut Software Center with the Operatign System tab open and Upgrade OS to Windows 10 22H2 and Upgrade OS to Windows 11 visible on the screen

4. Click on the upgrade you want to perform or were instructed to perform and click Install

Shows Software Center Updates with the Install button boxed

Your machine will likely prompt you to Restart to complete the upgrades

Windows 10/11 Upgrade Notifications

Windows 11 may not be available on your workstation at this time

  1. When updates are available, there will be popups in the bottom right corner of the Desktop, as shown in the image below. 

  2. Click on this alert. A Software Update window will appear.

  3. If the alert disappears before you have a chance to click on it, navigate to the Software Center via the Start menu. The "Restart your computer" window will appear. 

    restart your computer window
  4. On the left hand menu, click Updates

  5. Select the appropriate radio button to indicate whether you wish to run the updates now or within a selectable delayed time. The "Restart your computer" window may display the latest date on which you can delay installing updates. If there is a date specified, you can delay the installation until the deadline.

Once the deadline passes, however, you will not be able to delay the updates. You will only be able to snooze the "Restart your computer" window and select time periods to receive update reminders.

The computer will also be susceptible to updates installing on their own once the deadline passes. These automatic installations generally occur in the evenings. Given this timing, refrain from leaving programs and documents open after work hours.

Once the machine restarts, the updates will be complete. 

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