Modify Disbursement Voucher Coversheet


Tool:                                      Acrobat Adobe Professional for Macbook

Code:                                    work/src/

Template-original:          build/project/help/disbursementVoucherCoverSheetTemplate.pdf

Template-uconn:             uconn/help/ disbursementVoucherCoverSheetTemplate.pdf


  1. Tools+Prepare Form
    1. Add a text field on the form where you want it to appear
    2. Name it  (ex. Today)
    3. Click All properties
    4. On the General Tab, verify that the Form field is visible
    5. On the Format Tab, choose a format (ex m/d/yyyy h:mm tt)
    6. Close

  2. Tools+Javascript
    1. Document Actions, choose Document Will Print and press OK
    2. Document Scripts, Enter script name (code must reference the text field name and the format selected, mentioned above), press add, delete function text field name(){}, add code below and press OK

      var f = this.getField(“Today”)

      f.value=util.prntd(‘mm/dd/yyyy h:MM tt’, newDate();

    3. press close

    4. save the PDf