Copying Courses in Perusall

Instructors can copy content from another course in Perusall if they are listed as an instructor in both courses or have a Copy Code for the other course.

This assumes you already have created a Perusall Course through HuskyCT and want to copy the content from a previous semester's Perusall Course or from another instructor's course. If you have not already set up the Perusall course, see Adding the Perusall Tool in HuskyCT to complete the initial course setup and linking the course to HuskyCT.

Method 1: Listed as Instructor in Both Courses

  1. Navigate to the Perusall class that you want to copy content into through HuskyCT.

  2. Click Course Home, and then click Library.

    Shows the Perusall Course Home with the Library selected
  3. Click Add Content, and then select Materials from another Course.

    Shows the Add Content drop-down with Materials from another course boxed.
  4. Select One of my Course next to Copy From, and then select the course from the drop-down menu.

  5. Check the content and/or assignments you want to be copied over, and set any desired options.

    1. Adjust all the deadlines so the first assignment is due [Date]: This allows instructors looking to copy over assignments from a past semester's course to use the setting to bulk correct the due dates.

    2. Copy instructor comments from old course to new course: This will copy instructor comments that started threads, but not instructor replies or student comments.

    3. Copy Course Settings: This will copy the settings from the old course to the new course. It will override the existing course settings.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Method 2: Using a Copy Code

This method requires the instructor to have a copy code. For information on generating a copy code, see Creating a Course Copy Code.

  1. Navigate to the Perusall course which you want to copy content into through HuskyCT.

  2. Click Course Home, and then click Library.

  3. Click Add Content, and then click Materials from another course.

  4. Select Another instructor’s course, using a copy code next to Copy from, and then enter the copy code in the box below.

  5. A new section will appear showing the content, and assignments that are located in the other instructor's course. Select the desired content, assignments, and settings to be copied.

    1. Adjust all the deadlines so the first assignment is due [Date]: This allows instructors looking to copy over assignments from a past semester's course to use the setting to bulk correct the due dates.

    2. Copy instructor comments from old course to new course: This will copy instructor comments that started threads, but not instructor replies or student comments.

    3. Copy Course Settings: This will copy the settings from the old course to the new course. It will override the existing course settings.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Creating a Course Copy Code

For information on using a course copy code, see Method 2: Using a Copy Code above.

A course copy code allows another instructor to copy your course's content, assignments, and settings into their course.

  1. Navigate to your Perusall Course through HuskyCT.

  2. Click Settings, and then click Access.

  3. Next to Copy Code, copy the code shown, and send it to the other instructor.

  4. The other instructor can follow the steps in Method 2 to copy content.

For more information or assistance with copying content in Perusall contact Educational Technologies at or by phone at (860) 486-5052.

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