LockDown Browser Issue: Opening LockDown Browser

LockDown Browser Issue: Opening LockDown Browser

This article is for students who are unable to open LockDown Browser on their computers. This issue is caused by a corrupted installation of LockDown Browser or an installation that is running in an inconsistent state. Below are several methods for resolving the issue. 

Resolution 1: Interference

Some programs may be interfering with LockDown Browser.

  1. Try closing down all of the programs on your computer (other than those used to connect to the internet) before you launch LockDown Browser.

    1. This includes programs that are executed during start-up and deemed non-essential. Wireless/network connections and/or anti-virus programs do not fall under this category; you should leave these on and running.

    2. If one of the programs happens to be Chrome Remote Desktop, this will require you to temporarily remove the extension from your browser, and uninstall the program from your computer. LockDown Browser will not launch otherwise.

  2. Try to launch LockDown Browser again. 

If you are still unable to launch LockDown Browser after closing, proceed to Resolution 2. 

Resolution 2: Clear Cache

  1. Open your internet browser.

  2. Clear the cache from your internet browser. 

    1. Step-by-step instructions for clearing the cache from different browsers can be found online on the Refresh Your Cache website. 

  3. Restart your computer. 

  4. Try to re-launch LockDown Browser again.  

If you are still unable to launch LockDown Browser after closing, proceed to Resolution 3.  

Resolution 3: Re-Install

You may need to re-install LockDown Browser on your computer. 

Uninstalling LockDown Browser from your computer

  1. Go to the Start Menu.

  2. Choose LockDown Browser from the All Apps list.

  3. Right-click on LockDown Browser.

  4. From the menu that pops up, choose Uninstall.

  1. Open the Control Panel by right-clicking on the bottom-left corner of your screen.

  2. Choose Uninstall a Program from the list of applications. It will be sub-listed under Programs. 

  3. From the list, click LockDown Browser. 

  1. Open the Start Menu.

  2. Choose Control Panel from the right pane.

  3. Go to Programs and Features.

  4. Choose Uninstall a program. 

  5. From the list, click LockDown Browser. 

  1. Click on the Start button.

  2. Go to Add or Remove Programs from the Control Panel

  3. Right-click on LockDown Browser. 

  4. Click Remove.

  1. Exit LockDown Browser.

  2. Open your Applications folder. 

  3. Select the LockDown Browser icon. 

  4. Drag the LockDown Browser icon to the Trash.

  5. Empty the Trash

Downloading and Installing LockDown Browser

  1. Download Respondus LockDown Browser.

  2. Install Respondus LockDown Browser.

    1. Windows

      1. During the installation, select Yes if prompted to accept programs from Respondus.

      2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

    2. Mac

      1. Be sure that OSX 10.5 or higher is being used (512K RAM minimum).

      2. Follow the download page instructions to obtain the correct installation program.

      3. Start the LockDown Browser installation program and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

  3. After the installation, you should be able to open LockDown Browser. 

Taking a Test with LockDown Browser

The link to a test in HuskyCT will indicate whether it requires LockDown Browser.

  1. Close all unnecessary programs.

  2. Locate the LockDown Browser shortcut on the desktop and double-click it. (For Mac users, launch LockDown Browser from the Applications folder.)

  3. If prompted, either close a blocked program by choosing Yes or close LockDown Browser and close the blocked program before restarting.

  4. Log in to your Blackboard course.

  5. Navigate to the test and select it.

  6. If the instructor requires a test password, a new window will appear asking for the Exam Password.

    1. Obtain the correct password from your instructor. 

    2. Enter the password provided by the instructor into the password field.

  7. Click Begin Exam.

Once a test has been started with Respondus LockDown Browser, you cannot exit until the Submit button is clicked.

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