Completing and Submitting Scantron Exam Scanning Sheets

Completing and Submitting Scantron Exam Scanning Sheets

Scantron is being retired after the Spring 2025 semester.

Starting in Fall 2025, exam scanning will be offered through Gradescope bubble sheets. Gradescope provides a more convenient scanning solution that does not require expensive and custom scan sheets, and can be managed entirely through HuskyCT.

Scantron sheets are NOT compatible with Gradescope.

Students can fill out a student answer sheet, and instructors can fill out answer key sheets and submit exams for scanning.

Completing the Student Answer Sheet

Photo of student scantron sheet.
  1. In the "NAME" area, enter the student’s name.

  2. In the "IDENTIFICATION NUMBER" area, enter the student’s 7-digit PeopleSoft number in columns A– I.

  3. In the "SPECIAL CODES" area, enter the exam version number in column K, and the student's section number in columns L and M.


The key sheets must be filled out before scanning the exams. These sheets help identify the course, instructor, and answer key(s) associated with the exam.

Completing Key Sheets

Key Sheet Number 1 – Department Sheet

Watch a video of how to complete key sheet 1.

  1. In the "NAME" area, enter the 4-character abbreviated name of the academic department, e.g. Political Science (POLS), or Accounting (ACCT).

  2. In the "IDENTIFICATION NUMBER" area, enter the 3-digit numeric course number in columns A-C. Our current program only allows three (3) digits. Any three (3) digits of your course number may be used (e.g., for 2072Q, one could use "207" in this field).

  3. In the "IDENTIFICATION NUMBER" area, enter the 2-digit section number in columns D-E.

    • For exams already sorted by section, enter "00."

    • For exams of a single section, enter the section number.

  4. In the "IDENTIFICATION NUMBER" area, enter the number "1" in column J.

  5. In the "SPECIAL CODES" area, enter the version number in column K.

    • For only one (1) version of an exam, enter the number "1."

    • For multiple versions of an exam, enter the total number of versions. The number must be between 2 and 5. The Scantron grading program will only accept up to five versions of an exam.

Key Sheet Number 2 – Instructor NetID Sheet

Watch a video of how to complete key sheet 2.

  1. In the NAME area, enter the characters "NID" followed by a space, and then the first three alphabetic characters of the instructor’s NetID. In the example above, the instructor’s NetID is "abc23456".

  2. Enter the numeric part of the instructor’s Net ID in columns B through F. The numeric portion of the NetID must begin in column B at the bottom portion of the sheet in the "IDENTIFICATION NUMBER" area.

  3. In the "IDENTIFICATION NUMBER" area, enter the number "2" in column J. This differentiates this Key Sheet Number 2 as the Instructor Net ID Sheet.

Key Sheet Number 3 – Instructor/Answer Sheet

Watch a video of how to complete key sheet 3.

Photo of instructor answer sheet
  1. In the "NAME" area, enter the instructor’s last name.

  2. In the "IDENTIFICATION NUMBER" Area, enter the number "3" in column J.

  3. In the "SPECIAL CODESarea, enter the version number in column K. Enter a "1" if only one version is given.  If there are multiple versions of an exam, a separate answer key sheet must be completed for each version with the corresponding version number in column K.

  4. In the "ANSWER" area, fill in the correct answers. Instructors can leave questions blank. The Scantron machine will not grade questions with no answers. Multiple answers for a single question will result in an error. Above is an example of a 10-question quiz in which number 6 is an essay question.

Requirements for Scanning

  • No ink, stray marks, or correction fluid are on any of the sheets, including the key sheets. This could cause damage to the machine and/or incorrect scoring of the exams. If ink or stray marks are discovered, the exam will not be processed.

  • Completed answer sheets must all be facing the same direction.

  • Exams must be placed in clean, large envelopes with a clasp for secure closure.

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