Creating a Gradescope Bubble Sheet Exam

Instructors can create a bubble sheet exam through Gradescope which integrates into HuskyCT.

Download the exam template here → 200-question template


1. Create the exam

You will need to create the Gradescope exam object in your course first.

  1. In your course, navigate to the section under which you want to create the exam.

  2. Select Add Content → Content Market → Gradescope Assignment.

    gradescope assignment in content market

  3. Choose A new Gradescope assignment to create a new assignment, then select Link Assignment.

    create new gradescope assignment
  4. Under Assignment Types, select Bubble Sheet. Scroll down and select Next.

  5. Give the assignment a name and select the additional options as appropriate. For a workflow similar to the legacy Scantron system, choose Instructor as the role uploading submissions.

  6. After selecting Next, the Gradescope experience will close and return to the HuskyCT environment.

This module will be visible to students by default. If you do not want them to see it, be sure to change its visibility settings. If you plan on publishing grades to the HuskyCT grade book, you can set it to “Hidden from students”.

2. Create the answer key

  1. Open the new Gradescope assignment that you previously created. It should open up to the Answer Key creation screen.

  2. Select the correct answer(s) for each question.

  3. Once complete, select Save Answer Key.

Select question grading options

Using the ⚙️ icon next to each question, you can choose the number of points each question is worth, and how to score points if there are multiple correct answers.

  • Exact scoring (default): If there are multiple right answers, points will be earned only if every correct answer is selected.

  • Partial scoring: If there are multiple right answers, points will be earned based off of the number of correct answers (ex. on a 1 point question with two correct answers, selecting one correct answer will yield 0.5 points). If any wrong answer is selected, zero points will be awarded.

  • Either/Or scoring: If there are multiple correct answers, full points will be earned if any correct answer is picked. If any wrong answer is selected, zero points will be awarded.

Create multiple versions

You can create up to 5 versions of a bubble sheet exam. Select the Add Version button at the top of the page. This version will maintain its own scoring and points settings.

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