Creating a Branch Step

Creating a Branch Step

The purpose of the Branch Workflow Step is to allow the creator of the form to determine a workflow based on how a user responds to a question in the form.

To configure a Branch Step:

  • Click on the Route Here When dropdown menu in the Route 1 panel. Select from the options available. 

  • In the first drop-down below Route Here When, choose from 1 of the questions listed on your form.

  • Next select the conditions that should be met from the additional drop-down menus in order for the workflow to route here.

  • You can remove a condition by clicking on the trash can. You can also create additional conditions by clicking on the gray plus sign next to the drop-down menus.

When using the Branch step functionality, you also have the ability to create default routes, meaning if a user's response does not match any of the configured routes, you can predetermine the route the form will take.

Two options are available from the Default Route dropdown menu:

  1. This route will run if no match is found below. This option will allow you to configure a specific workflow for scenarios that don't fit the other routes you create.

  2. This route will never run. This option will remove the Default Route from the Branch step entirely and will assume that all scenarios fit into the other routes created in the Route Configuration panel. 

default route3.png


default route 4.png


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