Workflow Essentials

Please refer to the Kuali Build documentation directly for workflow information:

Building a Workflow:

What steps can be added to a Workflow?

  • Approval - approval or rejection of a course, program, form, etc. Approvals typically pause all other steps in a workflow until a decision has beed made.

  • Task  - Allows you to assign a user to a specific task in the workflow, which means they will be asked to complete a task in or out of the system when the workflow step reaches the assigned user.

  • Acknowledge - allows a user or role to acknowledge a form's submission. Unlike an approval, an acknowledgment does not pause the workflow until the submission has been reviewed. The workflow process will continue with any subsequent steps.  For this reason, an acknowledged step cannot be at the end after approval stops since the document will go to complete and null out any remaining acknowledgment stops.

  • Notification - a configurable email sent to a selected user

  • Branch - proposal routing based off conditions from the form

  • Integration - allows you to select from a list of pre-configured integrations if any were created during implementation.

  • Echo - allows admins to run one to many steps in the workflow for each value entered in a multi-select field or a table gadget. See details here.

Click here for more information on Adding, Editing, and Deleting Steps in a Workflow.

Form Section Visibility (conditionally show/hide parts of a form based on responses in other gadgets:


View Document Status:

The ability to view Document Status is dependent on the application workflow settings. Application Administrators must toggle on ‘Show Workflow Status on Submissions’ for users to view Document Status.



Use Acknowledge Step for Denial Comments to be visible to the Initiator in the workflow status

  • The workflow status (including the Deny comments) are not available to the initiator when viewing the form, except during a workflow step, like Acknowledge. (Denial comments are not visible to the Initiator/'Created By' user with a Notification Step.)

  • In an Approval Step, ‘What happens if it gets denied?’

    • Use Custom Steps (add them in the denial section)

    • If denied, use an Acknowledge Step

  • Use the ‘Customized email notification’ option within the Acknowledgement step to instruct initiators to toggle the Review/Status option to see the denial comment within the Status option.

  • Instruct your submitters to toggle the View to see the Denial comments in the Status.



Groups are useful for workflow approvals to maintain workflow functionality, in the event there are changes to the individual’s credentials or employment status.
Groups are currently maintained by ITS. You can submit a request for a workflow group or changes to the group via the Technology Support Center Portal at


Using Groups in Forms and Workflow


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