Form Data Sharing / Lookup List

Kuali Build’s Data Sharing feature provides the ability for a form/application to lookup data in another form/application.

Below is an example configuration used to route a form to a supervisor that leverages another form with a customized list of supervisors as its source data.    
Note the defined lookup list must be maintained manually.

 Alternatively, you may search and select an individual by using the UConn (LDAP) directory.  See ‘Adding Users to the Form for Adhoc Routing’ for details.

Sample videos:

00:00:08 Data sharing between apps

00:02:56 Data sharing app permissions

Below are a set of steps to follow: 

  1. Create a new application similar to the example below using the ADVANCED Data Lookup (List) gadget connected to Kuali Data Users Data Source.  


2. Click on Form Settings and set the Form Title Field to the ‘Select a User - Display Name’ for the user lookup list gadget.


3. Click on the three dots in the top left corner next to the application name and select Data Sharing:


4. Select ‘Share only with SPECIFIC Build apps’ and enter the applications that you want to share this list with.


5. Click on the three dots again in top left corner next to the application name and select Permissions.  Check the option for All authenticated users to read documents.  This will enable anyone who is filling out your main form to view the records in this form.

6. Publish the application.

7. Create the records in this application for your list of supervisors, by using the ‘Shareable Link to Form’ url link.

See Publishing Essentials for details

8. Open your main form and drag a Data Lookup (List) gadget to your form and set the Data Source to the application you created in the previous steps.




Kuali Build Integrations



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