Activating your UConn LastPass account as a New User

Activating your UConn LastPass account as a New User

If you’re new to LastPass, you will need to activate your account. Your UConn LastPass account cannot be activated via lastpass.com or the LastPass mobile app. You will need to install the LastPass browser extension to use your account.

How to activate your UConn LastPass account as a new user:

  1. Go to the UConn LastPass Opt-in page and log in with your Net ID and password.

  2. Click Opt In.

  3. Check your UConn email inbox for a Welcome email from LastPass and click Activate LastPass to activate your account. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not receive the invitation email.

  4. Enter your UConn email address, firstname.lastname@uconn.edu and the activation code provided in your Welcome email and click Continue.

  5. Once redirected to the next page, click visit download center and install the LastPass browser extension on the browser of your choice.

  6. Once the browser extension is installed, click the LastPass icon in your web browser tool bar.

    Three circles in a horizontal line
    Look for the LastPass icon in your browser tool bar.
  7. Enter your UConn email address, firstname.lastname@uconn.edu and click Log In. No password is required for this step.

    Enter your UConn email address and click Log in.
    Log into your LastPass browser extension
  8. Upon clicking the Log In button in LastPass, you will be forwarded to a Microsoft Login screen. Enter your NetID password and approve the Duo prompt to log in. Note: If you are already logged into Microsoft 365 in your browser, the login screen will be skipped, and you’ll be forwarded directly to LastPass.

Your LastPass vault will open automatically, and your UConn LastPass account is activated!

You will receive an email from LastPass confirming your account activation, along with a link to free training where you can learn more about how to use your new LastPass account.

Now that your account is activated, you can access LastPass on an unlimited number of devices of all types. For instructions on how to access LastPass on your mobile devices, visit Using LastPass on your Mobile Devices

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