Blackboard Ally: Accessibility Report

Faculty who manage HuskyCT courses can learn about Blackboard Ally's accessibility report and how to access it. Students are unable to view a course's accessibility report.

  1. To view a course's accessibility report, open a course and go to Course Tools.

  2. Accessibility Report is the first item under Course Tools. Select it to open a course's accessibility report.

    Accessibility Report dashboard
    1. This will bring you to the Accessibility Report's dashboard. The Accessibility Report dashboard shows the course's overall accessibility score (upper left corner), the types of course content (graph in the center of the screen), content with easiest issues to fix (upper right), and high-scoring content that can be fixed to improve the course and content's accessibility scores. It also shows remaining issues and how many pieces of content are affected by the issue (ex. the image has contrast issues, and there are 3 pieces of content affected by this issue).

  3. To view every piece of content's individual accessibility score, click View under All Course Content. You can then view an individual piece of content by clicking on it.

    individual content's accessibility score
  4. Clicking on that item brings you to a new tab. Here, you can update the item's information to make it more accessible.

    1. Clicking Start under Content with the Easiest Issues to Fix brings you to a screen where you can make updates to the displayed content.

    2. Clicking Start under Fix High-Scoring Content brings you to a screen where you can make updates to the displayed content.

To learn more about fixing specific content issues, please refer to the other Accessibility articles in this section.

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