
Description of Job:

This job will take a CSV file, and convert it to XML.  The CSV file must be in the correct format. 

Error Found:

Occasionally, the file submitted for processing is in an incorrect format.  The job will not fail, but a message appears in the log to indicate this condition.  Below is a sample of the error that occurs.  The file will not get processed.



ERROR edu.uconn.kuali.kfs.fp.batch.ConvertDisbursementVoucherCSVtoXMLStep :: Unable to process file /srv/uconn_configs/kfs-config/work/prd/kfs/staging/fp/disbursementVoucher/coop_2013-03-25-15:30:01.csv it contains the following errors:    

ERROR edu.uconn.kuali.kfs.fp.batch.ConvertDisbursementVoucherCSVtoXMLStep :: Error: The CSV Batch Disbursement Voucher Uploader is expecting 23 fields on line 1, but found 20. 

ERROR edu.uconn.kuali.kfs.fp.batch.ConvertDisbursementVoucherCSVtoXMLStep :: Error: The CSV Batch Disbursement Voucher Uploader is expecting 23 fields on line 2, but found 20.   


Delete .done file, using the GUI (Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch file).  If this is not deleted, this file will continue to fail.

File must be reformatted and resubmitted.  See  DV Uploads - formatting issues to reformat the file.