This job produces the PCDO documents from data sent by MasterCard.
It has 4 steps in the job.
If the job fails, verify what job steps completed by reviewing the log file. If ProcurementCardLoadStep and ProcurementCardCreateDocumentsStep completed successfully, then the documents have been created and just need to be routed to the Fiscal Officers.
Routing to the Fiscal Officer is done via superuser. To get a list of documents, press the "doc search" button on the upper left hand corner. Set Document type to PCDO, and set date created from to the date these documents were created. The list returned will be all the documents created that time span. The status column will show ENROUTE for any document already routed to the Fiscal Officer. It will say SAVED for documents that need to be routed.
To manually route the documents press the superuser button and enter the PCDO document. Press the complete button at the bottom.
Be careful about rerunning the job, duplicate PCDO documents can be created. Any duplicates would need to be superuser disapproved.