KFS Check Reconciliation Procedures

The KFS check reconciliation (or clearance) process is comprised of two parts:

  1. Reconciliation/clearance of checks produced internally by KFS/PDP.
  2. Reconciliation/clearance of checks produced by external systems; in UConn's case, by the Student Financials (SF) system.

Batch jobs/processes for these two check types are as follows:

  1. KFS internal checks (PDP - Bank 15):
    1. Check Reconciliation Bank Upload (online screen and batch)
  2. External system checks (SF - Bank 01):
    1. ExternalCheckReconciliationJob (batch only)
    2. Check Reconciliation Bank Upload (online screen and batch)

Inputs to these two processes are as follows:

  1. KFS internal checks:
    1. Monthly BOA cleared check file – Bank 15
  2. External system checks:
    1. Monthly file of checks produced by the external system
    2. Monthly BOA cleared check file – Bank 01

Output reports from these two processes are as follows:

  1. KFS internal checks:
    1. 'Bank Check Reconciliation Batch Upload Report' showing: new PDP payments, checks inserted, and checks updated (cleared). Report is e-mailed by KFS job.
  2. External system checks:
    1. 'External Check Reconciliation Batch Upload Report File' showing: checks inserted, checks voided, and checks with an invalid bank code. Report is e-mailed by KFS job.
    2. 'Bank Check Reconciliation Batch Upload Report' showing: new PDP payments, checks inserted, and checks updated (cleared). Report is e-mailed by KFS job.


KFS Check Reconciliation Procedures:

Finance Systems is responsible for these procedures which would normally be performed monthly. These procedures should be completed first for internal checks; all procedures should be completed on the same day.

  1. KFS internal checks (PDP):
    1. Retrieve Bank of America (BOA) check file for Bank 15 and other FRS Memo Banks (04, 16, 17, 18).
    2. Execute KFS Check Reconciliation Bank Process (Main Menu Tab, 1st column, Check Reconciliation, Check Reconciliation).
    3. Format the check file, by selecting the account number, check number,status, amount and date.  This is usually the first 40 columns of each row.
    4. Enter bank code (01, 04, 15, 16, 17, 18),  date range and a check status.

    5. Execute KFS Check Reconciliation Bank Upload (Administration Tab, 3rd column, Batch, Check reconciliation, check reconciliation bank Upload).  Enter file created above. 
      PRD-KFS-checkReconciliationJob runs when this upload is performed.
    6. Notify Accounting management and staff that these procedures have been completed.
  2. External system checks (Student Admin):
    1. Request that Student Financials staff produce monthly check file (SQR=UCSFOUTC).  This will put the file on  the saprod_rmt server, /apps/home/deposer/bursar/output90/kuali/Outstanding_checks_PSoft_ccyymmdd_hhmmss.txt.
    2. Run KFS batch file transfer job: PRD-KFS-StudentRefundChecksFromPSOFTtoKFS.  This will transmit the job to the prd.batch.uconn.edu server, staging/cr/external/Outstanding_checks.PSoft_ccyymmdd_hhmmss.dat with an associated .done file. 

    3. Run KFS batch job: PRD-KFS-externalCheckReconciliationJob.
    4. Retrieve BOA check file for Bank 01.
    5. Execute KFS Check Reconciliation Bank Upload (Administration Tab, 3rd column, Batch, Check reconciliation, check reconciliation bank Upload).  Enter file created above.  checkReconciliationJob runs when this upload is performed.
    6. Notify Accounting management and staff that these procedures have been completed.

KFS Check Reconciliation Jobs and File Formats:

 Finance Systems is responsible for running these jobs either online or on request from UITS Scheduling.

  1. The PRD-KFS-externalCheckReconciliationJob file format description can be found in the following document: 
    1. KFS-External Check Load File Update Format
  2. The KFS Check Reconciliation BOA Bank Upload (online screen and batch) file format description can be found in the following document:
    1. KFS-BOA Bank File Check Status Update Format

Additional Documentation for Check Reconciliation Module

Original Spec for Check Recon

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