Mapping the Q: Drive and R: Drive on Linux

Faculty, staff, and students can follow this guide to map to a Q-drive or R-drive folder on Linux using either the graphical or command-line option.

If you are Off-Campus, you must connect to the VPN. Learn more: University’s VPN Client.

Graphical Option (Ubuntu Desktop)

  1.  Open the Nautilus graphical file browser through the "Applications" menu, or from a terminal window, type “nautilus–browser,” and then press Enter. 

  2. Click the Go menu, and then click Enter Location…

  3. In the "Path" field:

    1. For the Q: drive, type "smb://" and press Enter

    2. For the R: drive, type “smb://” and press Enter

  4. In the pop-up box, enter your NetID, Domain( and NetID password. Then press Enter. 

Command Line Option

  1. If logged on graphically, open a Terminal window (N -> CRTL and T together).

    1. If logged on remotely via SSH, you are already in a Terminal.

  2. To connect:

    1. For the Q: drive, type "smbclient -W -U 'NetID' //" and press Enter

    2. For the R: drive, type "smbclient -W -U 'NetID' //" and press Enter

  3. Enter your NetID password at the prompt and press Enter. 

  4. At the smb: \>prompt, list the contents using "Is."

    • You should see your departmental directory listed. You can then change directories into your home directory.

  5. For additional options on using smbclient, please issue the command: "man smbclient." 

  6. To close the connection, simply type "exit," and then press Enter. 

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