Letter Grade Schemas in Ultra Course View

This article is intended for faculty who want to know how to work with letter grades in the HuskyCT Gradebook in the Ultra view. Letter grade schemas are used to automatically calculate student letter grades based on a percentage-based grade schema. HuskyCT courses include a default letter grade schema, but instructors can edit existing schemas or create new ones based on their specific grading policies/plans. Letter grade schemas can be used to display letter grades for any Gradebook column and are commonly used to display letter grades for midterm or final grades.

For Original Course View, refer to:

Video Instructions


Viewing and Editing Existing Grading Schemas

  1. Navigate to your Gradebook.

Ultra Course View Menu with Gradebook Selected

2. Click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner.

Ultra Course View Gradebook with Settings Gear Boxed

3. Under Grade Schemas, click Mange Grade Schemas.

4. On the left hand side, you will see a list of all the grading schemas in the course. Select the grading schema you want to view or edit.

5. Click on either the Grade Name for the row you want to edit or click the 3 dots on the end of the row and click Edit to change the Grade Name and Grade Range for a given row. To add a row, hover over the light gray lines in the table and click the purple plus sign that appears. You then must specific a Grade Name and Grade Range for the new row.

6. Click Save in the lower right corner once complete.

Creating a Grading Schema

You can create multiple different grading schemas in Ultra Course View. Note, that while you can edit a grading schema, once created, you can not delete a grading schema

Creating a Grading Schema From a Copy

Follow these steps if you are only making slight changes from an existing Grading Schema

  1. Navigate to the Gradebook.

  2. Click the gear icon in the right corner.

  3. Under Grading Schemas, click Manage Grade Schemas.

  4. On the left hand side, select the grade schema you want to clone as the basis for your new grade schema.

  5. Click the Copy Icon located to the right of the Grade Schema name.

  6. Enter the name of the Grade Schema Copy and click Copy.

  7. A copy of the Grade Schema will appear on the left hand side, you can now select this copy and make any desired changes.

Creating a Blank Grading Schema

  1. Navigate to the Gradebook.

  2. Click the gear icon in the right corner.

  3. Under Grading Schemas, click Manage Grade Schemas.

  4. On the left hand menu, next to Course Schemas, click Add.

  5. Enter a name for the new schema and click Add to create the Schema.

  6. A new grading schema will be created on the left hand menu, you can now select this newly created schema and make any desired changes.

Adding a Letter Grade Schema to Content

  1. Find the Assignment (or other content) you want to add the schema to.

2. To the right, click on the “gear” icon for Assignment Settings.

3. Under Grading and Submissions, select Grade Using and select the Schema you created.

4. Click Save.