Creating Tests in Ultra Course View

This article is intended for instructors looking to create and administer online quizzes or exams using Ultra Course View.

In Ultra, a Test can either have or not have questions. For a Test without questions, students can enter a response using the Additional Content box found at the end of the test. This is similar to the HuskyCT Ultra Assignment tool, and is equivalent to giving a HuskyCT Original Course View Assignment as a Test. For a Test that has questions such as a Multiple Choice or Essay questions, student submit their responses directly to the question.

For Original Course View, refer to:

Video Instructions

Creating a Test

  1. Navigate to your course in HuskyCT.

  2. Click the plus sign in the folder or in the main content are where you want to add the test.

  3. A drop down menu will appear.

  4. Click Create.

  5. A new window, titled Create Item will appear on the right.

  6. Under Assessments, click Test.

  7. A new window will appear where you can add test questions, and set test settings.

    1. Give the test a name, this will appear to students.

    2. Add questions to the test, or add Text.

    3. Configure the visibility of the Additional Content box.

      1. If you added questions, such as Multiple Choice or Essay questions, you will have the option to hide the Additional Content entry box. When hidden, students will only be permitted to respond within the created questions. If visible, students can respond to all the questions, but also enter additional text or upload a file using the Additional Content box at the end of the exam.

      2. If you didn’t add any question, or only added Text, the Additional Content box will always be visible to students. Students can use this box to respond to the prompt in a manner similar to an Assignment.

    4. Set any desired Test Settings.

      1. Click Save on the bottom of the Test Settings to keep your changes.

    5. Set the visibility of the test.

  8. Click the X in the upper left to leave the test.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, please contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052 (M-F 9am-4pm).


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