Questions Banks in Ultra Course View

This article is intended for instructors wanting to learn more about Question Banks.

For Original Course View, refer to:


  • Question Banks are the Ultra equivalent to Question Pools in Original Course View. They allow instructors to import and store questions within the course for later use in an assessment.

  • Instructors can copy Question Banks/Pools from their other HuskyCT courses or import 3rd party publisher test questions.

Supported Question Types

  • Ultra currently supports 12 question types. If you import a pool with unsupported questions, those questions will be removed, while the other questions will be imported.

Video Instructions

Creating New Question Banks

  1. From within your Ultra course, locate the Details and Actions menu.

  2. Scroll down to Question Banks and click Manage banks.

  3. Click on the plus icon to add a new Question Bank. Select New.

  4. First, name the Question Bank. Then, click the plus icon to add various types of new questions to the question bank. See this page for more information on Ultra Test question types.

Copying Question Pools/Banks from other Courses

  1. Navigate to your Ultra course.

  2. From the main Course Content page, click on the 3 dots by the search icon. Then click Copy Items from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click on the course name or the arrow for the course you want to copy the question banks from.

  1. From the content that appears, select Question Banks.

  2. Check off all the question banks you would like to copy over into your course. Then, click Start Copy. The same process can be used to copy over any content from other courses into your current course.

Importing 3rd Party Publisher Question Banks

This sections assumes you already have the ZIP file containing the questions from either an Original Course or a 3rd party publisher

  1. Navigate to your Ultra course.

  2. Under Details and Actions look for Question Banks.

  3. Click Manage Banks.

  4. Click the plus sign in the upper right hand corner of the page.

  5. Select the ZIP file you want to import.

  6. HuskyCT will process the file, and return a result message.

    1. If all the questions were successfully imported:

      No further action is required. The questions will be available for use in Assessments in your Ultra Course.

    2. If some of the questions were successfully imported:

      The file contained questions types not supported in Ultra Course View. Only the supported question types will be imported, and available for use in Assessments.

    3. If the file wasn’t imported:

      No supported Question types were found in the file, therefore no questions were imported or are available for use in Assessments.

For more information on Question Banks in Ultra Course View, contact Educational Technologies at or by phone at (860) 486-5052