Softeligent FAQs

Softeligent is UConn's Telecom Billing system, administered by Information Technology Services (ITS).  This system offers departments the ability to review telephone lines, usage charges, and work orders for new services.  Future use of this system may include the ability for end users to update usernames and service selections.

To request access to the e-bill system, please submit a support request with the ITS Support Center at, or call 860-486-4357. You will receive an email generated out of Softeligent with a link to the Softeligent login page, a username, and a password. After initial login, you will have the ability to update your password.

After gaining access to Softeligent, the same link can be used to login and view your e-bills:

If your password does not work when you attempt a login, click the “forgot password” button, and you will be prompted to input your email address.

This picture is showing the forgot password button on the login page.

You will land on the Softeligent homepage when you initially login.

You can always return to the home page by clicking on the Softeligent button located on the banner at the top of the page.

This picture shows an arrow pointing to the Softeligent button located on the banner at the top of the page.


You can also use the breadcrumbs to return to previous pages, and return to the home page by clicking “home”

Based on your roles and permissions, certain data is available to display on your home page. You can change what data is visible by clicking on “manage dashboard,” checking or unchecking the “enable” boxes, and clicking “save.”

This image is showing the manage dashboard button and the manage dashboard widgets list with available widget checkboxes.

To move the information widgets around on your screen, just drag and drop.

Click on the statements icon located at the top of your home page.

This picture is showing the statements icon located at the top of your home page.

You will see a list of charges under the charge details heading. Each charge will have a “view” link next to it. Click “view” to see additional information about each charge.

This right side of this image shows the statement charges screen with an arrow pointing to the view button next to a charge. The left side of this image shows an arrow pointing to the page that opens when you click the view button, which contains additional charge details.


Click on the support icon located at the top of your home page. This will allow you to view the status of a current ticket, update an existing ticket, or create a new ticket.

This picture is showing the support icon located at the top of your home page.

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