Links Guide: UConn Knowledge Base

Links Guide: UConn Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is a collection of information that offers technical support to the UConn community.  ITS faculty and staff can contribute by creating and editing articles within Confluence, an online workspace.

You can add, edit, and rename links in Confluence to effectively direct readers to other Knowledge Base articles, additional support, login portals, helpful contact information, and more.

If you have a Confluence account, log in with your UConn email address and password at uconn.atlassian.net.

In this article:

Link to Another Confluence Article

Topics may come up while writing that are not familiar to the user. If you find that you mention a topic that may need further clarification and we have an article in our KB that clarifies that topic, please link that article to the page; embed the link in the text that you are writing (e.g., "When you are Changing Your NetID Password, please follow the password guidelines"). You may need to change the way the link displays so that it syntactically fits with your writing (e.g., "You must have Password Recovery Options set up in order to reset a forgotten password."). 

To insert these links to your article,

  1. Click on the link icon in the toolbar at the top of the edit window.

    Click to insert a link in an article.
  2. Click Search.

  3. Enter the name of the article that you want to link.

  4. At the bottom of that window, you can change how the link appears in your article by altering the link text.

  5. Click Insert. 

Tip: Find the article that you wish to link to and then go back to the page where you are adding the link. The article you are linking to will appear in the list of “Recently viewed” articles.

Avoid using phrases such as "Click Here," "Read More," or "Learn More" as the sole link text. These phrases do not provide any context for users with assistive technology, such as a screen reader user.

Link to a Website Outside of Confluence

To link to a page outside of Confluence, like http://netid.uconn.edu , insert the link without the "http://" by altering the link text.

Use the actual link if the link is small, like http://email.uconn.edu . For longer links, change the link text so that it takes up less space on the article and provides context for assistive technology users. 

To insert these links to your article,

  1. Click on the link icon in the toolbar at the top of the edit window.

  2. Click Web Link.

  3. Enter or copy and paste the link into the Address field.

  4. If needed, you can change how the link appears in your article by altering the link text.

  5. Click Insert. 

Change Display Options of Confluence-Linked Articles

These options only work for Confluence-linked articles.

  1. Click on the inserted link.

  2. Go to Display URL, and select one of the options in the list:

    1. Display URL: Displays the entire URL

    2. Display Inline: Displays the name of the article/website

    3. Display Card: Displays the name and a description of the article/website

      display url options

Edit a Link

  1. Click on the inserted link.

  2. Click Edit Link.

    1. You will be directed back to the “Paste Link” and “Text to Display” bars.

  3. Once you have finished editing, press Enter.

Unlink a Link

  1. Click on the inserted link.

  2. Select Unlink.


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