Setting Up your New Mac Computer

When faculty and staff receive their new Mac from the PC Refresh Program, they should follow these steps to get up and running. 


You do not need to be on-campus to set up your computer.

  • Computer has an asset tag.

  • Computer is plugged in or fully charged.

  • Stable internet connection.

  • About 10 minutes for setup time.

  • Active UConn email address.

    • University affiliates (contractors, etc.) must have an email address created by their account sponsor to use a university computer.

  • You are the primary user of the machine.

    • If this computer is intended to be shared by multiple users (for example, in a lab or as a student employee workstation), please notify your IT contact so that the computer can be set up as a shared-use machine.

    • The setup process must be done by the primary user of the machine. You should not set up someone else’s computer for them.

Get started

  1. Unbox and power on the computer: Ensure that the computer is charged before powering it on.

  2. Connect to the internet: To set up the computer, you must connect to the internet. You can complete the setup on your home network; it is not necessary to be connected to the UConn network.

  3. Enroll the Computer: If your computer does not display a UConn-branded login screen upon startup, you will need to complete the first-time setup process. Follow the on-screen instructions until you reach the UConn-branded login screen.

If you are asked to sign in with an Apple Account or create a personal account, you must bring your computer to your IT support to set up your computer for access to UConn resources.

UConn login sreen
Mac login screen
  1. Sign in with UConn email: At the login window, use your UConn email and password to sign in. Accept the Duo 2-factor authentication prompt.

  2. Encryption: During the first or second login, you may be prompted to enable encryption. Click Enable Now.

You may not be prompted to encrypt your computer during your first login. If asked to encrypt later on, be sure to do so. Do not defer the encryption.

Make it yours

  1. Install software with Self Service: Open the Applications folder and open the Self Service application. Enter your UConn email and password and log in. You will now see available software from UConn and choose programs to install.

  2. Install software from the web: You can install applications from the web. You may need administrator rights before and during the installation.

  3. Sync your data from OneDrive: Keeping your data backed up ensures your work stays safe in the event Install the OneDrive App on MacOS and Backup Files

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