Turning on Guest Access for a Course Room or Scheduled Session in Collaborate

Faculty and staff may provide guest access to Collaborate sessions. If there is an accommodation in a course for CART services, the instructor must turn on Guest Access for the Collaborate session(s) and share the link(s) with the Center for Students with Disabilities. This link can also be shared with Guest Speakers to join the class. 

For Ultra Course View, refer to: https://uconn.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TL/pages/26055737981

  1. Open the Collaborate Tool in your course.

  2. Click on the Session.

  3. Turn on Guest Access (if it is not already turned on).

  4. The default role is Participant, which allows the guest to turn on their audio and optionally their camera. A CART vendor only needs Participant access. A Guest Speaker may need Presenter access if they need to share their screen. Click Save to generate a link.

  5. Copy the Guest Link and share this with the Guest Speaker or Center for Students with Disabilities if requested.

  6. Close the Session Settings.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052.