PC Employee Devices Standards

PC Employee Devices Standards

The Employee Devices object holds all employee (full time, special payroll, contractor, graduate assistant, student employee) workstations supported by ITS and IT professionals who are agents in the ITS ticketing system (ISD).

The fields are:

Asset Tag: UConn Inventory Tag (required)

Serial: Serial Number or Service Tag (required)

Model: Device Model, valued is linked to the PC>Model object (required). If the Model you want to select has “(New Object)” next to it, send the Model information to Will and Yi to add it

User: NetID of a full time or special payroll employee who is either using the device or the supervisor of the contractor or student employee(s) who are using the device, value is linked to the HR>Employee object (required for devices with DEPLOYED status)

Building: The building where the device is in, value is linked to the FAC>Campus>Building object (required for devices with DEPLOYED status)

Room: The room where the device is in, value is linked to the FAC>Campus>Building>Room object (required for devices with DEPLOYED status). If the Room you want to select has “(New Object)” next to it, send Room information to Will and Yi to add it. Room is in the format of Building Abbreviation and Room Number (e.g. TAB 103).

Status: Device Status. Available values (required)

DEPLOYABLE: machine is set up but no user is assigned. Student employee workstation when one left and new one hasn’t been hired. Employee’s desktop when the employee left and the new employee hasn’t been hired.

DEPLOYED: machine is being used.

INVENTORY: machine is in inventory, waiting to be deployed. Machine in this status should have “Inventory” in the Notes field.

LOST/MISSING: machine is lost/missing. A C1 form is filed with Inventory Control.

REPURPOSED: machine is repurposed and is moved from Employee Device to another object (AV>Computers - Classroom Machines, AV>Computers - Conference Room Machines, PC>Loaner>Laptop and etc.). Add a comment on the object with REPURPOSED status to indicate the new object where we’ll find this machine)

RETURNED: machine is returned to the manufacturer.

SURPLUS: machine is surplus-ed following the surplus procedure. Machine in this status should not have value in the User, Building, or Room field and put “Surplus” in the Notes field.

Legacy Notes: either has the value of Notes field from Track-it or a value indicate which refresh cycle the machine was purchased. (optional field to add whatever notes you want for the machine)

Notes: Notes field that’ll connect to the Notes field in Asset Panda which is used to indicate the use of the machine (required for devices with DEPLOYED, INVENTORY and SURPLUS statuses). This field has a 40 character limit.

Standards for the Notes field on a DEPLOYED device:

  • Full-time Employee or Special Payroll Employee’s device: Employee’s full name (PC-97971)

  • Full-time Employee working fully remote: Employee’s full name plus “-<state abbreviation>” (PC-97951)

  • Contractor: Contractor’s full name plus “-Contractor” (PC-98775 )

  • Student Employee' dedicated workstation: Student Employee’s full name plus “-Student” (PC-97963)

  • Student Employees' shared workstation: Supervisor’s full name plus Student (PC-97910) or Team name plus “Student Workstation” (PC-114024)

  • Demo/Free machines from vendors: “Demo/Free Machine” for machines in INVENTORY status (PC-141897). “Demo/Free Machine”-<Employee’s full name> for machines in DEPLOYED status (PC-141900)

Intune Primary User: an optional field automatically set with the value (email format) from the Azure Graph web service call for an Intune/Autopilot machine. “None” value indicates a shared Intune/Autopilot machine.

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