Creating Test Questions in Ultra Course View
This article is intended for instructors looking to add test questions to a test in Ultra Course View.
For Original Course View, refer to:
Creating Test Questions
After logging in to HuskyCT, navigate to your Ultra course and Create a new Test or click on an existing test.
Hover over the dashed gray line.
The line will turn purple, and a plus sign will appear at the center.
Click the plus sign.
A menu will appear with the different question types.
Click the desired question types, and complete any required fields.
Question Types
For adding question pools to tests, see Test Question Pools in Ultra Course View
Auto Generate Questions
For instructors who want to utilize AI to auto generate test questions, the option is available.
Enter a description to provide context for the topic of the questions for the AI to generate questions--generally the more descriptive and specific the better.
Change number of questions and complexity. The complexity levels are as follows:
Early primary school
Late primary school
Early middle school
Late middle school
Early high school
Late high school
Undergraduate lower division
Undergraduate upper division
Graduate level
Advanced PhD level
Select course items from documents, announcements, discussions, and previous assignments to provide more context to the AI for generation.
Select the question type.
Inspire me! randomly chooses from other question types
Previous question types can be selected, i.e., essay, fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice, and true/false.
Select Generate
Questions will appear and must be checked off before it can be added to a test.
Click Add __ to Assessment to put selected auto-generated questions into the assessment.
Once a question is added, you are able to edit the question.
For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, please contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052 (M-F 9am-4pm).