Accessing the VoiceThread Student Gallery (for Students)

This article is intended for students using the Student Gallery to view/comment on peer VoiceThread Assignment submissions.

Student Gallery Overview

  • The Student Gallery can be accessed from the VoiceThread assignment link in the HuskyCT course, if an instructor has enabled it.

  • Students are able to view peer and comment on peer submissions to the Gallery prior to submitting their own VoiceThread assignment.

Accessing the Student Gallery

  1. To access the Student Gallery, navigate to and click on the VoiceThread Assignment link.


  2. From the Assignment page, click Start Assignment.

    start assignment
  3. Once you have clicked Start Assignment or submitted your assignment, the Student Gallery link will be visible from the right side-bar.

  4. From the Student Gallery, you will be able to see the submissions of the other students. Click the VoiceThread to view and comment.



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