Supplier Search on Form Request

This user-guide will assist you with choosing the appropriate fulfillment center for the supplier you are using on your request.

Fulfillment centers are addresses or locations the supplier uses to process purchase orders. There may be just one address or many.

Choosing Your Supplier

  1. Choose your Non Catalog Requisition Form request.

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 10.26.54 PM.png
  1. Select the Suppliers page.

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 10.26.59 PM.png
  1. Type your supplier’s name in the Supplier search field. When we type in the full name, you will see the search results display only the fulfillment centers related to GovConnection. Even more, the default or preferred fulfillment center is automatically selected. Only change the fulfillment center if you are sure your order needs to get sent to another address.

Although you can search with a partial word keyword search, for best results, you should type the full name of your supplier. Notice in the example to the right, we use the supplier GovConnection.

  1. Now, if you were to only type in a partial keyword search, you will see any supplier or fulfillment center with your keywords used in the search. In this example you will see many suppliers in the results. GovConnection displays at the bottom AND the default/preferred fulfillment is not automatically selected for you. This leaves you to select the appropriate supplier and fulfillment center. Most if not all of the time, you should choose the preferred fulfillment center.

  1. Once selected, you will see the fulfillment center address selected from the previous screen.

  1. You will also see this fulfillment center on the Supplier Details section of the requisition.

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