Software and IT Service Form

The Software and IT Service form was implemented to allow management and review of Software and IT Services purchases at the University. Use of the form applies to all system and software acquisitions of all dollar values, including $0 software licenses. Please note, that before submitting a requisition, you can review low or non-cost available products and services that may fit the same requirements. Many of these may be found in the UConn Software Catalog, maintained by ITS.

This form helps IT Security and University Privacy to:

  • Identify threats in vendor products/services.

  • Advise on protecting the institution and its data.

  • Guide on data handling at contract termination.

The form covers these commodity codes:

488 - SaaS, PaaS, IaaS: Cloud-based services.

  • SaaS: Native Cloud applications (e.g., Microsoft 365, Google Workspace).

  • PaaS: Platforms for app development (e.g., Microsoft Azure, AWS Elastic Beanstalk).

  • IaaS: Virtualized computing resources (e.g., AWS, Google Compute Engine).

489 - Third Party Application Hosting: Another company’s managed hosting services for your application (e.g., Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL).

490 - Software Licenses: On-premises software licenses (e.g., Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite).

491 - Software Maintenance and Support: Maintenance and support services (e.g., SAP maintenance, antivirus support). These are typically for on-premise (SaaS builds it all into one fee)

Incidental codes for consulting and implementation services may also be included.

Please note that this form is REQUIRED for the use of the above commodity codes. Any of the above commodity codes that are placed on another form in HuskyBuy will result in a returned requisition with the requirement to re-submit using the Software and IT Services form.

 Process Steps

  1. On the Shopping home page of HuskyBuy, find the Non-Catalog Requisition Forms. Click on the Software and IT Services form.

Selecting the Software and IT Services Form
  1. Clicking the form will lead you to the instructions page. Carefully review the instructions before proceeding by clicking “next” on the bottom right of the screen or the “Suppliers” tab on the left side of the page.

Instructions Page
  1. In the “Supplier” tab, you may input the desired Supplier’s name in the Supplier search box and click the “search” button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. This will display a list of Suppliers. Select the appropriate Supplier by scrolling through the resultant list and clicking the “select” button. Once the Supplier has been chosen, click the “next” button at the bottom right of the screen to proceed to the form fields.

  1. In the “Purchase Type” tab, you will select all applicable commodities that apply to the requisition. If it is a new purchase, please ensure you choose the appropriate option “i.e. New License”. If a renewal, please ensure to select the proper option “i.e. Renewal of License” If there are any other related service purchases (i.e. Implementation, etc) please check all that apply.

Before continuing to the next page, select “continue” to the software survey if any “new” commodities have been selected. If it is a renewal of an existing license/service, please select “n/a”. When completed, click “next” in the lower right corner of the screen.

  1. The software survey will collect Supplier contact information, business purpose/functionality, and intended user base. The software survey also asks a series of questions about the types of data and integrations in the software. Once this information has been completed, click “next” in the lower right corner of the screen.

  1. On the next tab, you will provide the total value of the PO or Contract. This is the obligated amount over the entire term of the PO. Once this information has been completed, click “next” in the lower right corner of the screen.

  1. On the next tab, select the number of lines necessary for the PO. Once you have selected the number of lines, you can add unit price, quantity, unit of measure, and a description of the product for each line. You can fill in a start and end date for the service. Select annually or one-time payment, depending on the payment schedule. Conditional questions and additional tabs that require similar information may appear depending on which type of purchase you selected. Once all required information has been completed, click “next” in the lower right corner of the screen.

  1. In the sourcing tab, indicate whether the purchase is Sponsored Programs/Federally funded or not. The sourcing threshold selection will depend on the dollar threshold, if there is already an existing contract, or if it is a sole source. Additionally, renewals that are NOT sponsored programs/federally funded may be able to leverage the General Letter 71 exemption. If you have questions about this, please reach out to Once this information has been completed, click “next” in the lower right corner of the screen.

  1. On the review and submit page, you will have the opportunity to click back to previous sections to review the order prior to submittal. Once you are satisfied with the content in the form, you can select “add and go to cart”

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