Non-Catalog Shopping

Non-Catalog items can be ordered when the items you want are not available from one of the “Punchout” or “Hosted” catalogs.

The below lists our different forms for making non-catalog purchases in HuskyBuy followed by a general description of each:

  • Goods and Services: This form will be used for most items and is described in this Job-Aid. Use this form for everything except for what is listed in the other forms below.

  • Blanket Order: Use this form for making long-term purchase orders for repeated deliveries of goods or services.

  • External Catering Request: Use this form for External Catering Services. Remember that University policies must be followed when ordering any catering services.

  • Disbursement Voucher: Complete this form to submit a Disbursement Voucher to Accounts Payable.

  • Guest Travel: Complete this form to submit a travel Disbursement Voucher to Accounts Payable.

  • Equipment Request: Use this form for any equipment purchases. (Not to be used for A/V equipment).

  • Software and IT Services: Use this form when ordering Software and IT Services. This form excludes website design, website development, and web hosting services. For these services use the Non-Catalog Goods and Services form.

  • Biological Agent, Clean Air Device, Radioactive Request form: Use for making EH&S purchases.

Table of Contents

General Rules for Forms

  • Read the instructions of each form carefully.

  • Form Requests, (ex. Goods & Services, Catering) contains fields with Stars are required fields and must be completed prior to adding the form to your cart.

  • Forms, (ex. Blanket Order, DV) will use BOLD font to indicate a required field.

  • Each of these forms will create a line item on a requisition once you add the form to your cart.

  • Form Requests allows you to navigate the form in two different ways.

    • Click through the left hand menu

    • Click the Next or Previous buttons

    • Although there is a Save Progress button on most pages, clicking Next will also save.

  • Attach any back-up documentation related to the purchase on the requisition.

  • If the supplier you wish to use is not listed in the supplier search, you must FIRST request a supplier using the Request New Supplier form located in in the left navigation bar Suppliers > Requests > Request New Supplier. The Request will route to Procurement for review and approval. (See the Searching and Requesting Suppliers Job-Aid for instructions if necessary.)

Process Steps

Selecting the Goods and Services Form

  1. At the Shopping home page of HuskyBuy, find the Non-Catalog Requisition Forms and Payment Requests showcase at the top of the page.

    1. Click on the Goods & Services form.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 11.30.09 AM.png
  1. Read the instructions carefully if this is the first time through the form.

    1. Notice the sections on the left that will guide you through the form. These will show a green check when the section is complete.

    2. You can click directly on the sections to go to them, but this is used mostly if you need to edit the form later.

    3. Click Next > to continue.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 11.30.30 AM.png

Choose a Supplier

  1. Enter a supplier name into the Supplier field and click Search.

  1. Select the correct supplier from the displayed list by clicking on the Select button. Some suppliers have more than one fulfillment center. By default, the primary fulfillment center will be selected. If the primary (preferred) fulfillment address is NOT the address you want your order to go, then select the appropriate address.

    1. When green check appears as selected, click Next >.

Clicking on the Supplier Name will open a pop-up window with the supplier’s profile information for verification.

Enter the Purchase Information

  1. The supplier section is now complete signified by the green check.

    1. Now we will sequence through the three sections of the Form Fields.

      1. Purchase Type

      2. Sourcing

      3. Certification

    2. Click Next > to go to the Purchase Type section.

  1. Here you can select either Goods, Services, or both.

    1. In this example, we will choose both Goods and Services; then click Next >.

    2. You will be asked about the Goods first.

  1. Goods

    1. You can now choose to add up to 50 Goods lines on the form for the requisition, in increments of 10.

    2. If you choose More… from the drop-down list, and click Next >, you will get the first 10 lines as shown below in step 4 below.

  1. Enter the Unit Price, Quantity, Unit of Measure, a Description, and a Catalog No. (If known) for each line.

    1. At the end of line 10, you can click Next > and add up to 10 or More… lines again.

    2. This process repeats in blocks of 10 until you get to the 41-50 Lines block.

There are no checks to ensure that you fill out all of the information in each line. You can go to the requisition with no information at all. You can also come back to this form and add the missing information. However, if you get to the PO with missing information, it will be difficult to correct.

  1. As you can see, the Goods are sectioned off in blocks of 10. And 50 is the highest we can go.

    1. When we are done adding lines to the Goods section click Next >, where we are then brought to the Services section.

50 is the maximum number of lines we can add to a requisition for goods.

  1. Services

    1. “Services” is similar to Goods except that there are only 10 lines available, and we need to select a compensation structure.

    2. We will still need to enter the Unit Price, Quantity, Unit of Measure, and a Description for each line.

    3. When all of the fields are filled out, click Next >.

    4. You will be directed to the Sourcing section.

    5. The supplier and Purchase sections are now complete as noted by the green checks.

Enter the Sourcing Information

  1. Is this purchase federally funded?

    1. If you answered Yes or I Don’t Know, you are directed to the Federally Funded Purchasing Guidelines document.

  1. Select the Sourcing Dollar Threshold

    1. Each choice will offer different options. We will describe each selection below.

  2. This Purchase is Under $25,000

    1. If you have a quote, please upload it here.

    2. If you received a verbal quote from your sales rep, or found an online source such as a website, please describe it here. Include the website URL if necessary.

  1. This Purchase is Under Contract

    1. This is just a reminder to apply the contract in the shopping cart after submitting this form.

  1. This Purchase is a Sole Source

    1. This choice requires downloading the Sole Source Justification form, filling it out, and attaching it to this form. (The form can be filled out digitally and saved.)

  1. This Purchase is Between $25,000 and $100,000 and NOT a Sole Source

    1. Selecting this choice requires three quotes.

    2. Here you can enter the supplier name, the quote amount, and upload the quotes for all three suppliers.

    3. You also need to specify the reason for choosing the preferred supplier.

  1. This Purchase is Over $100,000 and NOT a Sole Source

    1. Answer one question to the best of your knowledge.

    2. Notice that if your purchase is over $100,000 or $250,000 using Sponsored Programs/Federally Funds, you must have a public bid to complete the purchase.

    3. When done, click Next >.

Enter the Certification Information

  1. The Certification section is the last of the Form Field sections.

    1. Answer the simple questions below.

  1. Foreign Goods

    1. Will the goods be shipped to one of these countries? Answer Yes or No.

  2. EH&S

    1. You must agree to the EH&S statement. Review the EHS Restricted Equipment Materials and the Purchasing Keyword list as described on the form. Also review the Proper Coding for EHS Restricted Purchases page and click the I Agree check box.

  1. Ownership and Confidentiality

    1. Review the Data Policies and answer the question about if UConn will own the work or not. (Choose N/A if this question does not apply to your order.)

    2. Answer if the supplier will have access to confidential data or not.

    3. When done, click Next >.

Add Items to Shopping Cart

  1. With all of the required fields complete, we are ready to add this order to our shopping cart. The default choice is: Add and go to Cart. This can be used if there is nothing already in your cart, as shown here, at the top of the page.

    1. However, if there is something already in your cart from another supplier, and you click Add and go to Cart, you will receive an error.

    2. For this reason, we recommend that you get in the habit of selecting, Add to new Cart from the drop-down list.

  1. Your Shopping Cart is given a default name consisting of the date, your User ID, and a serial number as shown. Change the name of your shopping cart to something meaningful to you. Changes will be automatically saved.

    1. Notice you may have a warning message to “Correct these issues”. In this case you need to fill in the required Commodity Code. Instructions for changing the commodity code are below.

  1. Checkpoint

    1. This is a good place to ensure that the form came over correctly. If there was no quantity selected in the form, this is how the cart will look.

    2. The Description and Part Number shown above will be replaced with Summarized Form Fields and all of the dollar amounts will be zero.

    3. If everything looks good, continue.

    4. If you need to go back to the form to correct something, see the next section on Changing the Quantity of an Item…

Select a Contract and Add a Commodity Code

Contract Selection

  1. If the supplier has a contract with UConn, you will see a link to choose a contract. Click choose contract… (If there is no contract, there will be no link.)

  1. Choose the right contract from the list and click OK.

Commodity Code Selection

  1. If you know the Commodity Code, you can type it directly into the field. This will save once you click off the field. If you do NOT know the Commodity Code, click on the magnifying glass to search.

  • In the Commodity Code Search box, enter descriptive words and click Search.

  • Scroll through the search results to find the right Commodity Code.

  • Click on the button when you find the right Commodity Code.

  • The selected code will be added to the Commodity Code field. Your changes will be saved once you click out of the Commodity Code field.

Changing the Quantity of an Item on the Cart

  1. Notice the Commodity Code was added. Before creating the Requisition, you can make changes to your order by returning to the Goods & Services Form. Do this by clicking on the link to the Non-Catalog Goods & Services form as shown.

  1. Back in the Form, click on the Goods 1-10 Lines link. Of course, if you have more than 10 lines, you will need to look for the correct one.

  1. In this example, we increased the quantity. When done, click on the Save Progress button to save your changes. Then click on the < Back to Cart link in the upper left corner to return to your shopping cart with your new changes.

  1. Be sure that you see the Success pop-up at the top of the screen after clicking on the Save Progress button above, and before clicking the < Back to Cart link.

Proceed to Review

  1. The quantity changes have been made to the order in the Shopping Cart. We are now ready to review the draft requisition. Click on the Proceed to Review button to display the details of the draft requisition.

  1. The draft requisition is displayed. You will need to ensure proper details are setup for these sections General, Shipping and Account Codes. If you have not yet setup your Profile Settings, you may see one or more flags in the status bar. If this happens, see the Draft Requisitions Job-Aid.

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