HuskyBuy General Process/Review/Approval – Requisitions
The following information is intended for guidance in processing, reviewing, and approving HuskyBuy Requisitions for all HuskyBuy users, regardless of role in workflow, across all CLAS Units and CLAS Shared Services.
In the General Section:
Cart Name:
Should match the cart naming convention. “DEPT Vendor Last Name (of who you are ordering for) Date”
Make sure the account being charged makes sense for the requester: are they in the same department or in departments that work closely together? Do they have enough funds to cover this expense? If they do not make sense together or there are not enough funds, please message the requester to confirm the correct account.
Optional PR Approver/Optional PR Reviewer:
Please do not use these fields. These fields carryover to all parts of a HuskyBuy requisition workflow (i.e., requisition, PO creation, and invoice review). It can lead to holdups in the approval process as not all the Optional Approvers/Reviewers are notified, and no delegate can act on their behalf.
UConn Point of Contact:
When Reviewing requisitions please confirm the UConn Point of Contact line is filled out on each requisition. This should be the department that the order is being purchased for. The reason for this change is to ensure the proper department comes up on the requisition reports Michelle Cahill sends weekly.
Ensure the quote(s) and attachment(s) amounts match the amounts being requested for disbursement. If they do not match, reach out to the requester to see if there are additional attachments not included on the requisition.
If the requisition is being paid in a currency that is not USD, please make sure there is an attached exchange rate calculation for the date of the transactions being reimbursed and from the requested currency to USD.
Alternate Payment Method:
Wire transfers are for international banks only vs. ACH which can be used to wire funds to domestic banks. There can be some rare exceptions in this case (i.e. Canada).
If you see that the supplier is from outside of the U.S., reach out to confirm that the vendor has a U.S. bank account. If they do not, have them complete a wire transfer to prevent a delay lapse in pay later in the disbursement process.
When you are approving requisitions in HuskyBuy and you see a wire transfer form is attached, please make sure the Alternate Payment Method (highlighted section in below screen shot) is completed with the wire information. This field carries over to the PO and to the Invoice to ensure that AP sends the payment out via an international wire transfer and not a check.
If you see the Alternate Payment Method section completed, but there is no wire transfer attached, you should reach out to the requester. There also must be email backup from vendor confirming they completed the wire form and attest to the information provided.
Non-Quantity POs:
If multiple invoices will be charged to a single PO, like a Blanket PO or a Consulting PO, make sure that the non-quantity PO section reflects this. It should be designated with a green check if multiple invoices will be applied.
Blanket PO:
A red X means that only one invoice will be applied or the invoice will match exactly to all the lines of the PO (see below screenshots).
One Invoice or Quantity Lines:
The order has a quantity listed in the line items (e.g., 10 Dell Monitors)
The invoice lists 5 Dell Monitors for payment
That specific line on the requisition will indicate that it is not fully matched/invoiced; thus, leaving the PO open and encumbered on the account until the next 5 Dell Monitors are shipped and invoiced.
If there are no quantity lines and one invoice is applied, the system will automatically close the PO even if the invoice was not for the full amount of the PO.
Shipping Guidelines:
Items must be shipped to UConn Campus other than for preapproved specific circumstances – please see chart below.
Storrs based computers must be shipped directly to CLAS IT for asset management and imaging. Restricted chemicals can only go to certain destinations on campus like Chemistry or the Central Warehouse. For more information see UConn’s Environmental Health and Safety website.
Other Reminders:
Commodity Codes:
Control who/what department the requisitions routes to in Purchasing, so always review to ensure it is routing appropriately.
Access Purchasing’s online Staff Directory to access an up to date commodity listing.
Sourcing Threshold:
For large dollar orders, check the following chart to ensure the necessary bids or sole source justification is attached. Price is never a justification for Sole Source documentation because someone could theoretically have offered a more competitive bid, documentation should explain how the vendor being chosen is the only one that can provide these goods/services.
Honorariums/Guest Travel:
Anyone being paid an honorarium or travel reimbursement should not be affiliated with UConn.
This means that they cannot be a student, faculty member, or staff member. This can be someone who previously worked at the University and no longer does, or someone with breaks in service (i.e., an adjunct doing consulting work over the summer while not teaching).
If someone is receiving both an honorarium and guest travel reimbursement, they must be split into two separate lines with different object codes listed. This is a requirement for reporting purposes to the state/IRS.
Honorariums should not be on a guest travel form—needs to be a DV or Goods & Services depending on the amount. Anything over $2,500 for honorariums and travel reimbursements combined need to be on a Goods & Services forms.
Backup for honorariums and guest travel portions should be attached to the procurement form.
Specific Commodity Codes:
Reimbursement – 604
Speakers and Honorariums – 157
Specific Object Codes:
Non-Employee Reimbursements – 7645
Speakers/Lectures – 6652
Payment Reason Codes:
Most payment reason codes should only be used when processing Disbursement Vouchers (DV) for goods/services under $2,500. On some occasions for specific purposes, the amount can be larger. If you see one of these please confirm with Most common Payment Reason Codes are C, K, M, O, and Y. See the additional listings below.
Hiring a Consultant:
Anyone being paid for consultant services should be submitted on the Goods and Services form. The quote/scope of work will need to be attached as backup:
Hiring of a consultant form for grant account purposes, please include the Scope of Work and the Consultant Hire Form:
Specific Commodity Codes:
Consulting Services - 132
Consulting Services Grant Funded – 133
Object Codes:
6626 – Outside Consulting Services
6644 – IT Consulting Services
If a department plans to support an event, student group, etc. this should be processed in HuskyBuy, typically on a DV. Additional support is needed:
A quote outlining the details of the sponsorship (including cost, time frame, and any deliverables) so that it ensures there is a record between the department and the other entity.
Dean Level Approval. Please contact and provide the details of the sponsorship, a statement explaining the business purpose of the sponsorship, and how it benefits UConn/department.
Subject Incentives:
If a faculty member requests gift cards to use for their study, this will need further approval.
Please use the “PCard Gift Card Preapproval” Form on the main page.
The backup should be the IRB approval of the study.
Please keep in mind that gift cards should not be stockpiled and should be used on a “as needed” basis.