Adding Kaltura Videos to Ultra Course View

Adding to Course Content Page

  1. Open your HuskyCT Ultra Course.

  2. In the Course Content section, select the Build Content button, which is indicated by the “+” sign.


3. From the drop-down list, select Content Market.

4. Under Institution Tools, select Kaltura Embed Media 1.3. (This tool appears further down in the selection list.)


5. Select Embed next to the video which you wish to add to the course.


6. The video will now appear in the Course Content area.

Adding Kaltura Videos through a Document

  1. In the Course Content section, select the Build Content button, which is indicated by the “+” sign.

2. From the drop-down list, select Create.

3. From Course Content Items, select Document.

4. From the Content options, select Add Content.

5. Select the “+” sign, and then choose Content Market.

6. Under Institution Tools, select Kaltura Embed Media 1.3. (This tool appears further down in the selection list.)


7. Select Embed next to the video which you wish to add to the course.

8. When prompted, select Insert.

9. Select Save.