Watching Kaltura Videos: Students

Students can watch and share Kaltura videos on HuskyCT. 

Changing the View

If the instructor recorded their content and webcam, you can change the view.

  1. Navigate to the top right of the video (see image below)

  2. Click Toggle View or Change View. 

    1. Use Toggle View to switch between the content and webcam.

    2. Use Change View to select either Picture-in-Picture, Side by Side, or Single View.

Video Controls

  • You can change the playback speed to slow it down or speed it up (0.5x - 2.0x).

  • You can also turn on captions if available.

Kaltura video highlighting the features for playing videos.

Searching for Content

You can search for content within PowerPoint slides.

  1. Click on the Navigation Menu, if available.

  2. Move your mouse to the top left corner of the video.

  3. Click on the Navigation Menu.

You will then be able to search for specific content in the PowerPoint slides.

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